10 Most Hated Movie Characters In Recent History

1. Edwin Epps- 12 Years A Slave

Whiplash Not My Tempo
Fox Searchlight Pictures

2013's biographical period-drama 12 Years A Slave is a gut-wrenching tale of racism and slavery in the 1800's told from the perspective of illegally enslaved African-American violinist Solomon Northup. The film is grim and hard to watch at the best of times but it is at its darkest ebb during the points when Michael Fassbender's vicious slave owner, Edwin Epps, graces the screen.

Epps is a cruel and sadistic slaver who purchases Solomon Northup from the much less odious William Ford. Epps is the very embodiment of all things wrong with slavery, as he treats the unfortunate people living on his plantation as nothing more than property and playthings that he can do what he will with.

Epps' is at his most detestable in relation to his treatment of Patsey, ironically considered to be the favoured slave, as he routinely rapes and beats her while allowing his almost equally dislikeable wife to frequently abuse and embarrass her. Epps manages the impressive feat of being easily the most vehemently abhorrent slaver in all of cinema, I suppose he deserves some credit for that...

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Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin