10 Most Iconic Villains In Movie History

6. Mr Potter - It's A Wonderful Life

Terminator 2 T-1000
United Artists

It’s now one of the most beloved films ever made, but on its 1946 release, It’s A Wonderful Life sank without a trace. The FBI took exception with its antagonist, banker Mr Potter, being portrayed as a heartless uber-capitalist, and while the feds’ accusation of communist propaganda was ludicrously reactionary, the evil money man has only become more timely.

Expertly portrayed by veteran thespian Lionel Barrymore, Potter is greed personified. A man of wealth and influence, he cares only about obtaining more, consolidating his power further in sleepy Bedford Falls. He comes up against a force of pure goodness in the shape of George Bailey, and comes awfully close to breaking his spirit.

There’s little redeeming about Potter, but there shouldn’t be - there’s no need for light and shade here. Potter is a cautionary tale: this is what happens when you shed your humanity in favour of a lust for material goods.

There’s no comeuppance for Potter, but that makes sense - people like him tend to get away with a lot. That’s part of the reason film portrayals like this are useful, and important.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)