10 Most Imaginative Shots on Film!

03. The Priest Approaches Shot in The Exorcist (1973)

If you give this shot a quick glimpse it wouldn€™t immediately appear rather horrific. However, there€™s something about the composition that manages to evoke terror within even the greatest of horror aficionados. The figure could appear as a doctor or someone in a religious position, due to swath of light he bathed in. However, unlike the earlier shot from Aliens, the position of the figure is not as easily definable. The light does not appear as religious as the backlight in the Aliens shot, instead appearing intimidating and overpowering. In fact, within the narrative, it is quite obviously characterised as a portal to hell itself. Director William Friedkin cleverly takes an ordinary location and manipulates it into becoming something incredibly menacing. By today€™s standards of horror €“ with the ubiquitous emergence of the overly gory, torture-porn sub-genre of horror in particular €“ this is probably the most psychologically intimidating shot within the entire film. The image has gone on to become one of the most iconic and enduring images of horror cinema, not only remaining an extremely effective moment on screen but also adorning countless posters, video and DVD covers to become the image most associated with the film.
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