10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

Incest, child killing, and more times Star Wars got a little bit inappropriate...

Carrie Fisher Leia

Whatever way you slice it, for the most part, the stories told within the galaxy far, far away are largely designed for all the family. After all, this is the same galaxy that comes equipped with everything from cute fuzzy Ewoks saving the day to heart-breaking demises of much-loved figures.

However, that still hasn't stopped the folks involved in bringing these much-loved Episodes and small-screen offerings to the party from letting loose the odd jarring moment that has ranged from slightly inappropriate to outright uncomfortable to witness over the years.

Now, sometimes said beats of out of place action are simply the result of plans changing later down the road, and said shift in direction leaving the galaxy with a pretty creepy occurrence in hindsight.

But more often than not, the call to actively lace these particularly dodgy scenes and events into the Star Wars sphere made very little sense out of the gates and acts as a rather undesirable blemish on an otherwise wholesome series.

So, from awkward instances of unwanted romance, to a frankly disturbing amount of child-dispatching visuals for a PG-13 franchise, these are those times Star Wars likely went a little too far.

10. An Awkward Naboo Exchange Was Very Nearly Even More Inappropriate - Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Carrie Fisher Leia

There's actually a reason why George Lucas routinely forced his actors to let loose some of the most painful dialogue ever uttered by a human being over the course of his Prequel Trilogy. When he allowed his stars the freedom to explore and improvise a touch, some rather inappropriate shenanigans had a habit of trickling onto the Star Wars scene.

That's according to Padmé Amidala actor Natalie Portman, at least, with the Academy Award winner explaining in an extract from the The Best of Star Wars Insider Volume 8: The Saga Begins that the scene involving herself and Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker flirting over floating fruit on Naboo took a turn the minute they were allowed to go off-script a touch:

"I don’t think George (Lucas) was satisfied with the dialogue he had written, because he told Hayden and me to just improvise — which was amusing, because it got inappropriate very quickly."

That being said, the sight of the two cheekily quipping at one another likely wouldn't have been any more inappropriate than the disturbing visual of Anakin intensely claiming he was in agony and tormented by his eventual lover later down the road.

But with the finished scene not exactly overflowing with raunchy dialogue, it's clear Lucas opted to leave most of said "inappropriate" ad-libs on the cutting room floor.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...