10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

8. Grogu Chows Down On Frog Lady's Eggs - The Mandalorian

Carrie Fisher Leia

Innocent Grogu's debut in The Mandalorian very nearly broke the Internet out of the gates.

Yet, for all of the undoubted cuteness the Jedi youngling/Mandalorian foundling brought to the Star Wars party during the first two seasons of The Mandalorian, there was still a moment there that threatened to undo all of the good work Jon Favreau and the gang had put into making the little green legend a precious household name.

After Mando agrees to help a Frog Lady transport her unfertilised eggs to her husband during the events of "The Passenger", The Child soon decides to help himself to a few of the unborn offspring upon getting a bit peckish.

And sure enough, fans of the usually adorable alien very quickly recoiled at the sight of him seemingly casually munching on some soon-to-be children.

Lucasfilm Creative Art Manager Phil Szostak would ultimately defend this rather jarring action, claiming the episode "makes it clear that the Frog Lady’s eggs are unfertilized, like the chicken eggs many of us enjoy. But obviously, chickens aren’t sentient beings and the Child eating the eggs is intentionally disturbing, for comedic effect."

But it's not too hard to see why some found this one a little more unsettling than hilarious...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...