10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

6. Rey & Ben Solo Suddenly Get Romantic - Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

Carrie Fisher Leia

While it thankfully didn't involve any siblings locking lips out of the blue, that still doesn't make Ben Solo and Rey's decision to suddenly take part in a passionate smooch towards the end of The Rise of Skywalker any less jarring to behold.

After the pair of Force-sensitive souls help to take down Rey's grand-Palps, The Emperor's granddaughter suddenly kisses goodbye to the land of the living herself. What a bummer.

Yet, in an act that would effectively complete his redemption arc, the former Kylo Ren soon finds a way to revive his long-time rival via the Force.

Instead of just having the pair share a knowing look of respect or Rey simply show her gratitude by giving the redeemed Ben a more justifiable embrace for saving her life, however, J.J. Abrams opted to have the two share an unexpected snog.

And clearly sensing the backlash that would be heading their way had Disney and Lucasfilm leaned into this being a fully romantic moment, the eventual Rise of Skywalker novelisation would try and explain away the sudden beat of passion as "a kiss of gratitude" and an "acknowledgment of their connection".

Frame it however you want, but that still won't change the fact that this climactic and rather forced smooch felt somewhat out of place as the Skywalker Saga reached its end.

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