10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

4. Kylo Ren's Chest Makes A Jarring Cameo - Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Carrie Fisher Leia

Quickly becoming immortalised in meme form hot on the heels of its debut during the events of The Last Jedi, Kylo Ren suddenly popping into Rey's head half-naked is still... well, something else, isn't it?

And though Rian Johnson would later explain this decision to have Adam Driver oddly bare his chest mid-movie as a way of upping the "intimacy" of Rey and Kylo's bizarre Force connection, claiming "what’s even more uncomfortable having a conversation face to face with a person you don’t want to, is if they’re half-naked during it, while you’re having to do it", the end results still elicited a feeling of wholly unwanted awkwardness.

Between the attempts to fuse a highly dramatic conversation with some rather misfiring comedy and the unintentionally hilarious sight of Ren boasting nothing but some freakishly high-waisted trousers, this moment had bad news written all over it from the get-go.

But at least one of the most surreal and ill-suited visuals the Skywalker Saga had to offer gave birth to Lego topless Kylo and led to the moniker of Ben Swolo becoming a thing.

Every cloud and all that...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...