10 Most Infuriating Seth MacFarlane Habits

2. Seth MacFarlane's Voice Is Literally Everywhere

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGOzjdcNtw8 Peter Griffin. Brian Griffin. Stewie Griffin. Glenn Quagmire. Stan Smith. Roger. Greg Corbin. Tim the Bear. Tom Tucker. Carter Pewterschmidt. Alex Stark. Ted. This isn't the full list of Seth MacFarlane roles, just the ongoing or movie roles he's made his own. He'll use himself many times for his throwaway pop culture references or bit players, too. As voice actors go, MacFarlane does have a decent range, but he's kidding himself if he doesn't think monopolizing this much of the total spoken word-count of his programs doesn't give them a certain accent. Most irritating, though, is the pacing of most of his dialogue: slow and meandering, convinced that you'll start laughing not at the joke, but at how long it takes him to get to any sort of joke. Which leads nicely to...

T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.