10 Most Insufferable Movies Since 2000

8. Catwoman

April Fools Halle Berry To Return As Catwoman For Standalone Batman Movie Halle Berry 915176

Having learned nothing from Batman & Robin, Warner Bros attempted to compete with Sony'€™s Spider-Man 2 at the summer box office by €œreimagining€ a supporting character from the Batverse, but succeeded only in serving up another critical and commercial failure. Let'€™s put that another way - if Spider-Man 2 was 2004'€™s Aliens, then Catwoman was the year'€™s Howard The Duck.

Bearing no resemblance to Selina Kyle, the villainess who first appeared in Batman #1 (1940), Patience Phillips (Halle Berry) is a graphic designer (!) exterminated with extreme prejudice by Sharon Stone when she stumbles across a diabolical masterplan involving a skin cream with dangerous side effects (!?).

This naturally leads to Berry running around in S&M gear with her midriff exposed, swearing vengeance on Stone and whoever greenlit a movie with cheesy effects, dreary action sequences and crummy logic. Throw in a €˜comic relief€™ gay character and you have a movie that, had it been a hit, would€™ve shaken Western Civilization to its foundations.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'