10 Most Jaw-Dropping Moments In Horror Movies
6. Midsommar - The Cliff Jump
There are shocking moments a-plenty in Midsommar but the one that shocked audiences and characters alike has to be the cliff-jumping scene. Nothing can quite prepare you for the shock of seeing elderly people willingly throw themselves off a rock face to their own gruesome deaths.
Midsommar’s secluded, Scandi community has a bunch of very weird traditions, and the one in question here is ritual senicide: in which elderly people who are unable to pull their weight in the community commit suicide by leaping from a cliff.
Whether this really was a tradition embraced by many in antiquity - or just a myth - is unclear, but even if it used to happen in the days of old, that doesn’t mean we were ready for it to be shown to us in 2019!
Our group of friends watch on in abject horror as the elderly fall to the ground, either dying on impact or having their heads smashed in with a giant hammer. The whole scene is just one absolute shocker after another, and if you were able to watch this without your mouth gaping open in a perpetual “AHHHHH” shape then you’re stronger than me!