10 Most Memorable Film Deaths By Every Day Objects

2. A Tire - Rubber

Rubber When Rubber was announced, film fans could have been forgiven for thinking that the tale of a murderous car tire would go straight to the bargain bin, without so much as a whimper, aside from a few mentions from die hard Movie Dungeon fans. But they would have been wrong, as the odd little French comedy movie was heralded as one of the bravest genre endeavours of recent memory. It wasn't wholly successful, and it did get a little tiresome after around an hour of being unable to really sympathise with the tire - after all the film is consciously built on the pillar of "no reason" - but the first time we got to see the malevolent, psychokinetically-gifted tire take a victim (by exploding his head) the effect was both pleasurable and quite shocking. I wouldn't want to see a sequel, but it was good fun while it lasted, and gave us one of Hollywood's least likely killers. http://youtu.be/t1WSD_cnRbA
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