10 Most Memorable Hammer-Wielding Movie Characters

6. Jay (Kill List)

Django Unchained Leonardo DiCaprio Calvin Candie

Given the dark, horrible worlds created by British filmmaker Ben Wheatley, it's not much of a surprise to reveal that his hammer scene is the most obviously disgusting and violent of any on this list. It occurs early on in his hitman tale Kill List and features Neil Maskell's Jay, along with partner Michael Smiley, carrying out the second hit on the eponymous roster of victims.

The second name on the list is that of a "librarian", who keeps a collection of sickening and unpleasant videos, implied to involve the sexual abuse of children. Jay is filled with rage and so he decides to ensure this victim doesn't get off easily with a simple gunshot. He bashes the man's kneecap with a hammer, smashes his fingers with the weapon and then, resting his skull on the table, pulverises his head, spewing brains all over the kitchen in which the attack takes place.

It's a rough, grotesque scene that sets the tone for the depravity and terror that is to come. The use of a hammer in such an unhinged fashion is a clear depiction of Jay's mental unravelling, which only gets worse as the story continues.


Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.