10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy

1. Yoda Doesn't Think Twice About Cutting Down Clones - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Count Dooku Anakin Skywalker

As promised, this list ends on an entry looking at the rather dreadful treatment of some poor clone troopers.

Now sure, the Jedi had to do what they could to protect themselves following the activation of Order 66, but there were still some situations early on in the Jedi purge that were uncomfortably and perhaps excessively savage.

You can understand trying to deflect blaster shots or using the Force to push these pals-turned-foes away. Master Yoda had other ideas, though.

After already feeling the death of many Jedi across the galaxy, the second he sensed that the brainwashed troops behind him on Kashyyyk were about to turn their weapons on the little green legend, Yoda didn't think twice about flipping backwards and slicing both Commander Gree and Captain Jek's heads clean off.

These clones were very much trying to murder him due to the inhibitor chip placed in their brains, so Yoda had every right to do what he could to keep that from happening. However, the fact his first thought was to jump up and decapitate two soldiers who had been so loyal to the Jedi for so long without batting an eyelid was all kinds of disturbing.

Attachment may have been forbidden for the Jedi, but this was still a pretty shocking and cold-blooded way of dealing with the unexpected turn of events. 

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...