10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy

8. Kit Fisto & The Other Jedi Masters' Rapid Deaths - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Count Dooku Anakin Skywalker

While it was safe to assume that not many Jedi were making it out of the prequels alive - we knew they were all but extinct by the time the original trilogy began - the way many of the keepers of the peace were suddenly culled in this galaxy far, far away was still quite a shock. 

There were a few quite horrendous murders thrown onto the big-screen in the wake of Order 66 becoming a thing, of course, with Ki-Adi-Mundi's death after his troops infamously and quite swiftly turned on him mid-battle being perhaps the most memorable and disturbing.

But moments before that Order was even given, another group of masters had already been brutally slaughtered by the man who would tell the clones to kill their former leaders.

In one of the most startling sequences of the entire trilogy, Palpatine quickly slices through three powerful Jedi Masters in Agen Koler, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto - the latter being one of the more beloved background Jedi in all of Star Wars. That still didn't stop George Lucas from having Palps savagely tear through his torso with a lightsaber, though, with this trio of effed-up murders setting the stage for the equally ruthless ending of Mace Windu in that same office.

All three pre-Windu kills are cold, efficient, and horrifyingly quick, establishing Palpatine as a swordsman capable of effortlessly chopping through master duelists like it was just another day at the creepy office.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...