10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Wars TV Shows
Brutal last stands, village rampages, and those other messed up Star Wars TV deaths.

Star Wars has thrown a whole host of different and compelling stories onto the small screen over the years.
From animated adventures that featured many a brave clone or rebel to live-action hits that introduced the world to little green legends and badass bounty hunters, the TV section of the galaxy far, far away is certainly a diverse place.
Many of these projects do actually have one thing in common, though. Just like the iconic movies that kicked off this hugely successful franchise, they were not afraid to get a little bit messed up when it came to the deaths of certain characters.
Absolutely devastating and savage final stands, shockingly brutal murders, and so, so many horrendous clone ends are just a few examples of when Star Wars' TV tales went the seriously dark, shocking, or heartbreaking route with a demise.
Sometimes it worked a treat and added some serious emotional weight to a story. Other times you could argue the creators perhaps went a little too far - some deaths were even censored when an episode first aired. Either way, there was no forgetting these alarming TV deaths after they showed up on your screen.
10. Obi-Wan Refuses To Help Nari, Who Is Then Killed - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi was in a pretty dark place during the opening stages of his Disney+ show.
A decade on from having to slice up his one-time Padawan and watch the Jedi Order fall, a broken Kenobi had hidden himself away on Tatooine and cut himself off from the Force.
That's why he refused to really help poor Nari when the hunted Jedi begged him for assistance in Part I. His fear of being discovered, not being able to protect young Luke Skywalker, and his refusal to believe the surviving Jedi stood a chance against the Empire resulted in him telling Nari to just let it go and live a normal life.
Kenobi was in an unenviable situation here. Had he helped Nari and tried to fight off the Inquisitors, that could have led the Empire right to Tatooine and Luke. But if he just left Nari to fend for himself, then there was always a chance he could be murdered by those Jedi hunters.
Sure enough, the latter ultimately happens, with Kenobi then made to look at the dreadful results of his decisions in the aftermath as the Inquisitors hung a lifeless Nari in the middle of Anchorhead.