10 Most Outlandish Captain America: Civil War Rumours

7. Crossbones

While it will be Bucky who plays at least some sort of role in Captain America and Iron Man ending up on different sides of the Superhuman Registration Act, the man who causes the government to decide to step in and police the world's superheroes is none other than Crossbones. The HYDRA soldier was of course last seen burnt up and on a stretcher. When he returns though, Crossbones will be decked out in his comic book costume, with the skull imagery very much present both on his chest (it's been described as "graffiti-esque") and mask. It's unclear how it all comes about, but the villain's attack on civilians at an early point in the movie will be bad enough to ultimately lead to the SRA being enacted.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.