10 Most Outlandish Fantastic Four Rumours

1. Annihilus Is Going To Show Up

One thing which has been 100% confirmed thanks to the trailers for Fantastic Four is that the young heroes will be heading to the Negative Zone, the alternate dimension which grants them their abilities in the Ultimate Comics (like in those, this version will apparently be referred to as "Dimension N" in the movie). Who will the N-Zone be home to though? It's been reported by sources of varying reliability that Annihilus is going to end up playing some sort of role in Fantastic Four. Whether it's as the colourful character above or something entirely different, it's been said that Doom possibly comes to some sort of deal with the monstrous villain to help him return to Earth after he's left trapped there. Some sites have even claimed that the Negative Zone will be home to rebooted versions of Galactus and the Silver Surfer, while others believe it will lead to the Fantastic Four finding a way into an alternate dimension where some famous mutants just so happen to live. Whatever the case may be, expect the alternate dimension to contain some surprises! What do you want to see in Fantastic Four? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.