10 Most Outlandish Suicide Squad Rumours

7. Deathstroke Is In The Movie

Deathstroke's relationship with the Suicide Squad in the comic books has always been interesting, but he's never really directly linked to them in a way which ever guaranteed his inclusion in this movie. However, he will apparently be there, albeit as a much earlier version of himself with no superpowers and both eyes. Equipped with his swords, guns, and iconic mask, Deathstroke will also have a costume based on US military tactical outfits. In fact, the DC Cinematic Universe's Deathstroke takes down the team single handedly, and the role has been described as the movie's "breakout" for any actor who lands it. Joel Kinnaman was reportedly being considered before being chosen for Rick Flagg, while Jason Clarke was also being considered at one point. The latest rumour points to True Bloody star Joe Manganiello playing Deathstroke, an admittedly pretty perfect casting decision.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.