10 Most Outrageous Superhero Movies Of All Time
Will you believe a superhero can sing?

From Superman III to Catwoman, the superhero movie’s flirtation with camp humour has proven to be box office poison. Hollywood listened, learned from its mistakes and instead began making dark, humourless movies about tortured souls who growl a great deal.
Ben Affleck’s Batman is about as far removed from Adam West as it’s possible to get, but it’s a very forgiving viewer who describes Batman V Superman as a “fun” movie. With a look and tone more appropriate to a post-apocalyptic movie, this is one picture about guys in capes that’s in danger of taking itself a mite too seriously.
As Deadpool proved, there’s an audience for wilfully absurd superhero movies that just want to give the viewer a good time. These types of films aren’t interested in exploring a superhero’s psyche or drawing a line between justice and vigilantism, they just want you to have fun. If only all movies were so considerate.
10. Steel

NBA basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal plays the world’s first 7ft 1 in African-American crime fighter in this low budget screen outing for the DC Comics character, and if Batman & Robin (released the same summer) was Warner Bros’ “A” picture, then Steel was their cheaper, less prestigious “B” movie equivalent. In true B-grade fashion, it’s also a more entertaining picture.
Even though Shaq wears a costume that makes him look like the offspring of Robocop and Daredevil, figuring out his secret identity shouldn’t be too difficult, but guess what? His friends never recognise him, even though they spend the whole movie joking about his height and calling him “big boy.”
Worse, Shaq doesn’t exactly go to great lengths to conceal his identity from the public. When civilians witness him kicking ass, he throws them a friendly wave and says, “Y’all have a good evening now.” If the police asked them for a description, all they’d have to say is “he looked like the guy who played the genie in Shazam!” There’d be cops breaking down Shaq’s door moments later.