10 Most Overlooked Horror Movie Scenes

7. Roman's Loss - Get Out

Hereditary Classroom
Universal Pictures

Get Out is full of subtle clues to help the audience figure out the true intentions of Rose and her family.

Early on in the film, Chris learns about Rose's grandfather, Roman, a runner who was beaten by Jesse Owens in the qualifying round to race in the 1936 Berlin Olympics; a win Roman "almost got over".

This is a line that can be easily thrown away, but is one of the most important in the entire picture.

For a little history lesson, the 1936 Summer Olympics was seen as an opportunity for Hitler to promote Nazism, white supremacy and antisemitism.

However, Jesse Owens became the most successful athlete to compete in the Berlin Olympics, subsequently squashing Hitler's plans to promote white supremacy.

This is important to Get Out, as the Armitage family were white supremacists themselves, subtly implying that Rose's grandfather never got over losing to Owens as it ruined their plans of promoting whiteness.

Roman's loss developed into an obsessive hatred towards black people as he founded the Order of Coagula, perfecting the process of kidnapping and brainwashing black people to plant white people's brains inside their bodies in order to use them as vessels.

Roman's obsession with beating Jesse Owens is shown throughout the film, as he uses Walter's body (which his brain has been inserted into) to spirit around the family garden, constantly trying to beat Owens in his head.


Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.