10 Most Paused Deleted Scenes In Movie History

6. The Xenomorph's Full Body Shot - Alien

J Jonah Jameson Spider-Man

Ridley Scott quite sensibly avoids showing full body shots of the Xenomorph throughout Alien, though that wasn't actually the original plan.

Scott shot a sequence where the Xenomorph is shown unfurling itself in front of Lambert (Veronica Cartwright), before crab-walking towards her and then standing up in full, wide profile.

Beyond the silliness of the crab-walk, the wide shot makes it painfully clear that the Xenomorph is portrayed by a guy in a suit, and so Scott smartly decided to jettison the sequence, instead shortening Lambert's death scene significantly and entirely for the better.

It's still a fascinating scene in its own way, though, and worth gawking at if only to observe how fundamental camera placement and framing were to the Xenomorph's convincing presentation throughout the movie.

With a lesser director at the helm, it would've been so, so easy for the alien to look incredibly silly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.