10 Most Paused Star Wars Moments
5. The Jabba Credits Listing - The Phantom Menace
Not everybody sits there and watches the credits of a film play out, of course, but those that did just that with The Phantom Menace were rewarded with a slightly bonkers piece of accreditation where it pertains to Jabba the Hutt.
In a move that caused many eagle-eyed Star Wars fans to do a double-take, Jabba the Hutt is actually credited as being played by himself.
Seeing a movie credit listed as "himself" or "herself" isn't anything new, mind. It's just that when this is the case it's usually because someone has made a cameo appearance as themselves, such as, for a random example, Bob Barker turning up in Happy Gilmore. Here though, Jabba is credited as playing himself because, well, because George Lucas and his crew thought it would make for something fun that would get a chuckle out of people.
For Jabba, his small role in Episode I - with him officially starting the movie's podrace before then falling asleep - was an entirely CGI creation, with no practical, physical special effects work done for the character this time out.