10 Most Pointless Changes To The Star Wars Movies You Never Even Noticed
7. The Head Bang Clunk - Star Wars

It's the one of the most well known movie goofs ever - when the Stormtroopers burst into the hangar control room and discover R2-D2 and C-3PO hiding in a cupboard, one of the soldiers bangs his head on the automatic door. It's a "Once seen, can't unsee moment," forever picked up on rewatch after rewatch.
Once he realised the mistake had slipped through (or it became so notorious it couldn't be ignored), George Lucas did what he always does with a mistake - try and make it look purposeful (see also Jar Jar giving Palpatine his supreme powers). A dull thunk was added to the scene, making one extra's minor slip-up into a barely signalled in-joke.
This wasn't the end of Lucas needlessly playing about with the moment though - in Attack Of The Clones he had Jango Fett likewise bang his head on the door of Slave I. Ostensibly a shout-out, it implies this Stormtrooper twenty years later is one of the original Fett batch (making him fifty in clone years), which makes as much sense as the complex Sifo Dias clone plot in the first place.