10 Most Pointless Changes To The Star Wars Movies You Never Even Noticed
5. Slave I Chasing The Millennium Falcon - The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire Strikes Back is comparatively light on retroactive changes, betraying the film's overall quality, although it's not without some pretty ruinous adjustments. Chief among them is the replacement of Boba Fett's original voice (provided by Jason Wingreen) with Jango actor Temuera Morrison's for the 2004 DVD release.
There's the semblance of logic to Boba having the same voice as the original Fett, but that really should have been overridden by the fact that he just doesn't sound as menacing with a passive Kiwi accent.
That wasn't the only minor alteration made relating everyone's favourite bounty hunter though. A CGI shot of Slave I tailing the Millennium Falcon was added into the scene where Han evades the Imperials by hiding his piece of junk as garbage. It's a short moment, but that extra focus in a pretty slight scene greatly reduces the tension around the gang's presumed escape. Worst than that though, Boba's shown following so close behind the Falcon that it seems that Han's already got some pre-emptive hypernation blindness.
Empire's Special Edition is full of elaborate CGI establishing shots, but at least the numerous fly-bys on Bespin were adding a sense of scale to Cloud City. This merely tries to push Slave I's design to increase merchandise takings.