10 Most Pointless Changes To The Star Wars Movies You Never Even Noticed
3. Random Subtitles - Return Of The Jedi

The various alien languages of Star Wars were originally little more than phonetically-linked gibberish. In the years since first release, however, the Expanded Universe turned them into fully fleshed-out forms of speech that, while not quite Klingon-level complex, still need several Wookipedia pages just to cover the basics.
These rules were then adopted into the movies through the prequels, but naturally some elements of the original movies didn't retroactively fit, so several changes were made, most notably the changing of English text to the galaxy's Aurebesh alphabet.
Not all language alterations were quite so positive though. Take this doozy from Return Of The Jedi. Originally, the confrontation between Jabba and Leia (disguised as Boushh) was conveyed entirely by C-3PO's translation, with the two key parties talking in incomprehensible Huttese and Ubese respectively.
However, in the Special Edition, subtitles were added to the alien dialogue because... erm... Lucas thought he hadn't already messed with the Jabba's Palace sequence enough?
It doesn't at all change your understanding of the scene - Threepio still translates the meaning of the phrases almost word-for-word - and really only serves to make the scene that bit dumber.