10 Most Pointless Horror Movies Ever Made

1. 3 From Hell (2019)

The Crow 2024

While Rob Zombie's Halloween remake could easily have found a place on this list, it is at least enjoyable. No, instead we look to the director's closing statement on the Firefly Family trilogy, 3 From Hell, as the most egregious example of pointless horror filmmaking.

14 real-world years after he killed his wacko band of redneck murderers Baby Firefly (Sheri Moon Zombie), Otis Driftwood (Bill Moseley) and Captain Spalding (Sid Haig) offscreen in an end-of-the-movie shootout (The Devils Reject), Zombie made his duology a trilogy. 3 From Hell has the gang break out of prison and head to Mexico, holing up in a rathole and only coming out to drink booze and do battle with the local mafiosos. 

Zombie couldn’t leave well enough alone the first time around - as, let's be honest, House of 1000 Corpses didn't need a sequel - but 3 From Hell is a new low. A sign of being absolutely, totally out of new ideas in order to retreat into this old and rotten chestnut, the film is unbearably dull, with no actual scenes or plot to speak of, just a barely coherent string of happenings. There is no narrative, no character development and no reason to care offered up across two (two!) whole hours. What's even worse is the film ends with the Firefly family still out there, leaving space for Zombie to make another one...


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.