10 Most Pointless Horror Movies Ever Made

8. Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)

The Crow 2024

A late entry to a tired and worn franchise, Hellraiser: Revelations neither distinguishes itself from the other Pinhead movies, nor contributes any new material. But there is good reason for this.

Dimension Films all but demolished the franchise with their lazy, forgettable and increasingly absurd straight-to-video Hellraiser sequels, and let the series stagnate for a while. Unfortunately - for them - this set the clock ticking on the rights, and in order for them not to lapse, they were obligated to put out a new film.

And that film is Revelations, which had a miniscule budget, limited shooting schedule, and a script so dire original Pinhead Doug Bradley refused to have anything to do with it. In it, a couple of college buds unwittingly release pinheads while on a jaunt in Mexico, and hell descends. Their friends and family go looking for them, and hell descends once again. It focuses way too much on these nothing-characters, and not enough on the Cenobites. But maybe that's for the best, as they are poorly realised in this sloppy, silly and pointless outing.

Thankfully now the rights are back where they ought to be - in creator Clive Barker's hands - and while he has only really used this power so far to remake the first movie and kick-start an as-yet unrealised TV series, anything is better than the likes of Revelations.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.