10 Most Pointless Movies Ever Made
9. Never Say Never Again

From one listless remake to another now, we have Never Say Never Again, the infamous James Bond film that wasn't developed by Eon Productions, and was made as a result of a legal dispute over the rights to Ian Fleming's novel Thunderball.
But of course, Thunderball had been previously adapted into an official Eon Bond film almost 20 years before Never Say Never Again, and so it seemed like this retelling existed solely to placate Kevin McClory, a co-writer of the original Thunderball story who retained the rights after suing Ian Fleming.
It's tough to even appreciate Never Say Never Again as a fun "what if?" experiment, to see how the story would've been tackled by a different Bond actor, given that Sean Connery starred in both adaptations, albeit while considerably older in this iteration.
It's certainly not a bad film on its own merits, but doesn't really do anything to improve upon Thunderball. Its mere existence makes it an unmistakable oddity - a movie made solely because of creative in-fighting and all the ego that comes with that.