10 Most Powerful Items In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. Twilight Sword

Gorr Thor
Marvel Studios

Another underappreciated yet supremely powerful weapon now, with the Twilight Sword that's wielded by the fire demon Surtur (Clancy Brown) in Thor: Ragnarok.

At the very start of the film, the sword helps Surtur put up a laudable fight against Thor (Chris Hemsworth), its flame repelling the Asgardian for a good few seconds.

But that alone certainly wouldn't be enough to earn it a spot on this list - it's the fact that Surtur later uses the Twilight Sword to bring about the prophecised apocalyptic event known as Ragnarök.

In the film's climax, Surtur drives the sword down into the core of Asgard, triggering a colossal, extinction-level explosion which totally obliterates the realm. It's later revealed that Asgard's destruction instantly killed 9,719 Asgardians, and if that ain't power, what is?

Even so, it's fair to say that we've probably not even seen the full capabilities of the Twilight Sword, given that in the comics it was also able to shatter dimensional barriers and overpower Odin.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.