10 Most Powerful Items In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. Hofund

Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios

How many items in the MCU are able to transport people across star systems? That's exactly the function of Heimdall's sword Hofund, which is essentially the key to the Bifrost Bridge for when people wish to travel across the Nine Realms.

During the Battle of Asgard in Thor: The Dark World, Heimdall also used the sword to initiate a shield perimeter around Asgard, again proving its insane level of power without even considering it as a straight-up, conventional weapon (where it proved useful against the Frost Giants in the original movie).

It's not as flashy as a lot of the big weapons in the MCU, but it's super-cool and allows (or at least, allowed, with Thor: Ragnarok changing things there) the travel possibilities that other superheroes could only dream of. Even without the Bifrost Bridge to operate, it's still a hell of a sword.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.