10 Most Powerful Items In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

4. Mjolnir

Mjolnir Iron Man 2
Marvel Studios

Thor's iconic hammer Mjolnir is an insanely powerful weapon which can deflect blasts, deliver extremely strong blows to enemies (either through direct contact or throwing Mjolnir, which will then home its way back to him), help him control some of the elements (namely lightning), fly into the air, oh, and it can allow him to perform a quick costume change, too.

Plus, it's enchanted by Odin so that only the worthiest can use it, namely Thor, Odin and Vision (while Captain America has been able to move it just slightly).

It's a great looking weapon with a ton of variety to its attacks and powers, such that it easily makes Thor one of the most potent and intimidating superheroes in the MCU. It's all well and good having a giant suit of armour, but when you can literally conjure the elements, it takes you to a whole other level. Sure, Thor: Ragnarok upsets things here, but it remains one of the most powerful items we've ever seen in the MCU, and there's basis for it eventually returning.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.