10 Most Powerful Sci-Fi Movie Villains

5. The Event Horizon - Event Horizon

The Terminator

As dimensions go, Hell is pretty powerful. After the 'Event Horizon' spaceship uses an experimental gravity drive to accidentally open a gateway to a hellish place of evil, the ship becomes imbued with the sentience of said place.

Like a haunted house in space, the Event Horizon torments those aboard with nightmarish visions of their past with the intention of pushing them into suicide. It becomes clear that the vessel wishes to bleed its new Hell dimension into our own, exposing everyone to an abundance of torture.

Once Dr. Weir succumbs to the ship and its influence, ripping out his own eyes and seeking to murder those on the ship, Miller and the current survivors see no other option than to jettison Weir from the ship. However, as a show of the Event Horizon's sheer power, the ship resurrects Weir towards the end of the film, giving him a visceral, satanic appearance.

The destruction of the Event Horizon was the only way to close the gravity drive for good and keep Hell at bay from destroying the universe we all live in.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.