10 Most Powerful Star Wars Characters Who Aren't Force Users

7. Bail Organa

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Jabba

The Clone Wars was a hard time for any senator who still retained a shred of decency and integrity, and politicians like Bail Organa had to work twice as hard to make any impact on the corrupt, self-serving members of the Senate. Throughout the conflict, Bail did his best to keep the Republic working for good, trying to open negotiations with the Separatists and helping to establish aid missions to the parts of the galaxy most affected by the war.

After the Republic's fall, Bail was one of the first Senators to begin supporting the Rebellion in secret. Despite his qualities as a politician, Bail's biggest act of bravery was performed outside of the Senate when he chose to take in Leia as his adoptive daughter. He was all too aware of the danger from the Empire and its rising tyranny, and he risked losing everything if he was found out, but that didn't stop him doing what he felt was right. It was a brave decision that would eventually cost him his life, and the lives of every other being on Alderaan.

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Huge fan of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Watches anything with Liam Neeson in it.