10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Wars

1. Starkiller Base

Slave I Seismic Charges

Now, you may be wondering where in the blue hell the iconic Death Star is on this list of mass murdering weapons.

Well, despite it undoubtedly being one of the most effective life destroying devices in the history of Star Wars, it's also technically a space station. Which means, while that iconic green laser deserves to be acknowledged for its ability to rip through a planet, the ship-like sphere doesn't quite qualify for this list as an out and out weapon. But, perhaps it will for another in the future...

Starkiller base, on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish entirely. This purpose-built facility, located on the ice planet of Ilum, came equipped with a superweapon so powerful it could destroy an entire star system with one attack. Using stars as a power source, Starkiller Base showcased its next level planet killing abilities by absolutely massacring the New Republic, taking out Hosnian Prime and four other planets during the infamous attack seen in The Force Awakens.

It may have met its end in a similar fashion to the Death Stars at the hands of some pesky Resistance fighters, but Starkiller Base, for a time, was the greatest threat the galaxy had ever faced.

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