10 Most Ridiculous Horror Movie Death Scenes

2. Sleeping Bag Pinata - Jason X

final destination 5 death scene
New Line

The Friday the 13th series has never been good. The movies generally got worse as time went on but that's not necessarily a bad thing, particularly because it resulted in some of the most insane death scenes you'll ever see.

Jason X is generally considered being the series at its absolute best/worst, having embraced the ridiculousness long ago. The movie is set in the year 2455, and humans have moved to a new planet. Jason is, essentially, a part of a science experiment for medical students. His body is taken to a spaceship, where he is reanimated. Of course, he proceeds to kill everyone on board the ship is some truly incredible ways.

The culmination of the kills however, is when Jason is distracted by a hologram of two teenagers at the original Camp Crystal Lake. Without hesitation, Jason zips them both in sleeping bags and whacks one off the other until both are mere lumps in a bag.

After many whacks, Jason then smashes the one in his hand off of a tree and walks off with no F's given. It's genuinely hilarious stuff and befitting of the series.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.