10 Most Ridiculous Horror Movie Plot Twists

9. Housebound (2014) - The Boy In The Walls

Housebound 2014
Semi-Professional Pictures

This indie horror gem from New Zealand deserves all the love in the world. It’s a horror-comedy with a comically clever twist, that retroactively makes the rest of the film up to it seem a farcical –to great effect.

Starting out as a fairly run-of-the-mill haunted house outing, Housebound begins with a troubled young woman, Kylie, getting placed under house arrest after a failed robbery attempt. After a couple of spooky encounters, Kylie becomes convinced that the house she’s trapped in is haunted.

With her negative reputation, neither the family members with whom she is staying nor the police believe Kylie’s claims. Upon learning that her home was once the site of a grisly murder, Kylie suspects the culprit is her ghoulish neighbour.

The guy is creepy as hell, so It’s hard to blame her. Who would then suspect that the truth of the matter is that the ‘ghost’ responsible for the hauntings isn’t a ghost at all, but rather a mentally handicapped boy living in the walls.

Though this is a twist that has been done before, the real uniqueness of the situation comes from the complete innocence of the faux-ghost, Eugene, who’s earnest and shy demeanour will make you feel silly for ever being afraid of him in the first place

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Dan is a writer and actor originally from South Australia who now lives in a constant state of anxiety... and Los Angeles. Whether writing about movies, watching movies, or binging the Great British Bake-off, Dan approaches any endeavour with a steely resolve which is rivalled only by his ability to lie about his strengths. For professional inquiries, call Melissa Cropley - Dan's mum; she wishes he would call more often and you'd really be doing him a favour.