10 Most Ridiculous Movie Death Scenes

6. Sharks Bear Nasty Grudges €“ Deep Blue Sea (1999)

Now, you€™re probably thinking that we€™re going to pick the death scene that everyone remembers from this shark slasher pic from hell (seriously €“ this is not a shark movie. This is a serial killer movie set partially underwater). But no, this is not the scene you€™re thinking of, where Sam Jackson has his I AM SAM JACKSON GODDAMNIT pep talk rudely interrupted by a giant seagoing killing machine. No, that was priceless €“ but this is more ridiculous. Gen-2, the shark with the biggest personality disorder, takes offence at part of her brain being used in an exposition scene involving really Bad Science, and manages to twist around in a manner that sharks shouldn€™t and bite a-hole researcher Jim€™s arm off. Mayhem then comes to pass, during which Gen-2 escapes and Jim is fitted with an oxygen mask and strapped to a stretcher to be helicoptered to the nearest hospital. That absolutely does not happen, as a convenient storm overhead causes the winch to drop Jim€™s stretcher back into the water. Gen-2 isn€™t finished with poor Jim, and goes for the stretcher, dragging it along underwater and towing the helicopter along with it, since apparently genetically modified sharks can totally do that. The helicopter crashes into the fuel storage for the laboratory, both of which explode more than anything has ever exploded before, and Jim€™s stretcher, with a still-very-much-alive Jim still strapped to it, is then dragged underwater once more by Gen-2, who proceeds to flaunt the capture of her tormentor in front of the plexiglass viewing window€ and then use him as a battering ram to crack, and then shatter the glass, allowing the sharks access to the flooded laboratory. So, Jim is maimed, used as a fishing line to drag to hell the only means of escape and blow up half the base, and then broken to pieces against reinforced glass. Still not convinced? Fine, here€™s Sam Jackson being disrespected by a shark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMwmqp3GLMc

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.