10 Most Shocking Betrayals In Movie History

3. Lando Calrissian - Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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While the name Judas is more typically thought of as being synonymous with betrayal, Lando Calrissian would surely make a fine alternative. Baron Lando Calrissian is the administrator of Cloud City and an old friend of Han Solo. Solo's group (without R2-D2 and Luke) arrive at Cloud City seeking refuge from the Empire and are warmly welcomed by Calrissian, who immediately turns on the charm when he catches sight of Princess Leia. It's fairly rare that the group find themselves in a safe haven, so when an endearing, respectable city official offers them shelter in his utopian settlement, how could they say no?

It suddenly becomes apparent that Calrissian is under the influence of the Empire, as he leads the group into a room where none other than Darth Vader himself greets them. Given that Calrissian had plenty of opportunities to warn the group about the Empire's arrival, he did nothing, choosing his cushy job over his ties with Solo. While he eventually makes up for his treachery, it remains a very dastardly and unsympathetic act of betrayal.

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