10 Most Shocking Body Discoveries In Horror Movies

4. Curtains (1983) - Christie's Toilet Break

He Knows Youre Alone head in a tank
Jensen Farley Pictures

Sticking with the trend of abnormal death displays, we have 1983’s disturbing slasher Curtains. With the villain committing their brutal acts of murder whilst donning an oversized, plastic old woman mask, there is something uniquely upsetting about this movie.

Even in a world where we’re so desensitised to all things creepy, there’s just something about that gaping mouth and darkened eyes that evokes some kind of uncanny terror.

One of the most unfortunate victims to fall at the hand of this villain is Christie, an ice-skater who has come to a mansion house to audition for a role in a film. After earlier going out for a bit of ice-skating practice on a frozen lake, she is attacked and eventually decapitated by our killer. However, she doesn’t get the dignity of being left in state to be found.

Instead, we finally see what became of Christie’s severed head when fellow auditioner Brooke is innocently painting her nails in the bathroom. Thinking she has spilled some red nail polish on the closed toilet seat, she nonchalantly goes to clean it off - but opens the lid to reveal that Christie’s head has been stuffed in there all along.

There’s something so disrespectful about going to the trouble of putting someone’s head in the toilet. It’s as if it wasn’t enough to murder them horribly, you still decided you needed to go further and dunk their chopped up corpse into toilet-water. Not cool, man.

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