10 Most Shocking Male Nudity Shots In Cinema History

8. The Inbetweeners Movie

Inbetweeners Who€™d have thought such a brave and smart comedy would end up with such a predictable film that played it so safe. Well, most people really, but that doesn't stop there being one particularly shocking moment in this "not-quite-lads on tour" expansion of the hit TV show. Throughout the series, audiences delighted at seeing the quartet of luckless social misfits fail time and again to succeed with the ladies and the film (for its first half at least) continues that trend, most notably in a piece of pool-side nudity. Jay, the group€™s self promoting faux-lothario, picks a fight with a Manchester United obsessed kid, ending with the child yanking his trunks down, exposing little Jay to the world. It€™s a predictable set up, but one that succeeds thanks to James Buckley€™s willingness to actually get naked on camera; there€™s a couple of fairly long shots of it.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.