10 Most Stressful Movie Scenes Of All Time

You'll definitely need a lie-down after watching these ridiculously stressful movie scenes.

Sorcerer Roy Scheider

Folks head out to the cinema for a number of reasons.

Often they're simply looking for a bit of joy after a particularly gruelling week at the office. There are those who wander into a theatre just looking to be entertained by two-hours of big-screen explosions and easy to digest one-liners.

Then there's that other section of movie lovers who get their kicks out of chewing their nails down to the bone, occupying the very edge of their seat, or sweating buckets during their cinema experience.

In other words, these film fans feel at their most alive when they're entirely stressed out at what is going down in front of them on the big-screen.

There is something quite magnificent about a precisely crafted slice of relentless tension. Aand if you are someone who enjoys wincing your way through a scene and feeling your heart beat right out of your chest, this is certainly the traumatic list for you.

Whether they involved a truck trying its best not to be blown to smithereens, iconic characters coming horrendously close to saying goodbye for good, or prehistoric menaces stepping into the kitchen for the very first time, each of these scenes all well and truly delivered the STRESS - and then some.

10. A Silent Birth - A Quiet Place

Sorcerer Roy Scheider
Paramount Pictures

Child birth is fairly stressful at the best of times.

Now take that intense scenario of a mother pushing out their baby, add in a terrifying alien creature that murders anything that makes even the slightest of sounds, and you have a recipe for a truly mesmerising/horrifying scene.

That's precisely what occurred during John Krasinski's first A Quiet Place picture, with the director's real-life wife and top class thespian Emily Blunt playing the poor Evelyn Abbott trying to squeeze out a newborn in this hellacious environment.

From the moment Evelyn's waters break, every second that follows feels like an agonising lifetime. Things then go from bad to excruciating as Abbott only goes and pierces her foot on the gigantic nail protruding from one of the basement steps.

That step on Lego x1000 perfectly sets the stressful stage for the arrival of the aforementioned sightless creature, with each bathtub contraction, gasp, and cry as Evelyn prepares for the inevitable big push possibly being her last as the frightening monster edges closer.

Thankfully, her clever family had some fireworks handy to draw the blind villain away just in time, but that still couldn't completely erase the memories of one of the most nail-biting births in movie history.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...