10 Most Stressful Movie Scenes Of All Time

5. The Toys In Serious Trouble - Toy Story 3

Sorcerer Roy Scheider

At a glance, the fact a Pixar animated flick has found its way onto this sort of stressful list may leave some scratching their heads.

But anyone who was raised on the glorious adventures of Woody, Buzz and the gang in the '90s will likely tell you that 2010's Toy Story 3 contained one of the most traumatic movie moments of them all during its fiery climax.

With the beloved clan of toys actually going out of their way to save the film's main antagonist Lotso from being shredded to pieces when the team end up at a landfill, the purple villain's betrayal moments later is even harder to swallow.

Leaving the cowboy and his mates on the conveyor belt dragging them towards a toy-ending incinerator, few will ever forget the stress that was felt watching Bullseye trying to wriggle away from a fiery death.

Hands were held. Tears began to flow. Surely, it couldn't all end like this?

Of course it didn't. The faithful claw yanked them out of danger in the nick of time. But your childhood being dangled over a burning fire for a while there was about as stressful a cinematic experience as they come.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...