10 Most Terrifying Jump Scares In Horror Movie History
3. Carrie (1976)

The Movie: As the first Stephen King movie adaptation, Carrie was a huge success, receiving numerous positive reviews and two Academy Award nominations for the lead roles, which is a rare feat indeed for a horror movie. The story follows Carrie White (Sissy Spacek), a shy teenage girl who is abused by her warped mother (Piper Laurie). As she attempts to break free of her mother's influence and enjoy a life of her own, Carrie is manipulated by her fellow class mates, who will learn to regret that mistake when her psychic abilities come to the fore...
The Scare: After the prom massacre, Carrie kills herself and her mother in a violent rage that causes their house to collapse on them both. The movie then cuts to the sole survivor of the prom, who has a dream where she visits the lot which Carrie's house once stood upon. As Sue (Amy Irving) places flowers on the ground, Carrie's bloody hand suddenly thrusts out of the earth and grabs her by the wrist. The movie ends with Sue waking up, screaming uncontrollably in her mothers arms.
The dream-like atmosphere of this final scene relaxes viewers, lulling them into a false sense of security as the film closes. You can imagine audiences at the time of the films release shuffling around to put their coats on just as Carrie resurfaces to finish what she started. The ending is universally regarded as one of the most iconic in cinema history and it's all thanks to that one jump scare.