10 Most Terrifying Villains In Non-Horror Movies

2. Darkness - Legend

Anjelica Huston The Witches

Ridley Scott's Legend may not have won over critics, but it has since become a cult-classic. Despite coming across as a generic "good versus evil" fairytale at first, Legend becomes dramatically more entertaining (and terrifying) when Tim Curry's Lord of Darkness pops on-screen.

The horned fiend intends to return the world to perpetual darkness, allowing him to rule supreme. If another actor played the role, Darkness could've come across as a campy fantasy villain due to his over-the-top appearance and paper-thin backstory. But Curry commands the character with such unquenchable ferocity, Darkness feels like he was meant to be a horror villain that was repurposed for this movie. 

Though Darkness' design is iconic, it's how Curry plays the role with such delightful relish that makes it work. Not only that, Darkness is prone to unexpected mood swings, which are genuinely startling. One moment, he's wooing a woman like a poet, the next, he's unleashing an animalistic tantrum - each utterance layered with seduction and wicked exuberance, which is sure to leave anyone enthralled and unnerved.

Legend has a couple of frightening characters, including Blix and Meg Mucklebones, but nobody inspires bed-wetting terror like the Lord of Darkness.

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