10 Most Underappreciated '80s Horror Movies

1. Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Pumpkinhead 1988
Trans World Entertainment

Some might lambast Killer Klown from Outer Space as too daft, too ridiculous, too cheesy, and just, well, a bit naff. To those people, embrace the insanity and bizarreness of Killer Klowns and it's an absolute treat.

Clearly, this is far from chin-stroking 'elevated horror', but this 1988 offering from the Chiodo Brothers is a fantastic popcorn horror movie where you can switch your brain off and just let the crazed nature of clown-looking aliens entertain you - complete with a circus tent-shaped spaceship, an array of classic clown-themed attacks, and a cotton candy-esque cocooning of victims.

Throw in some charming special effects work and a bangin' theme tune by The Dickies, and the overall package of Killer Klowns from Outer Space reeks of imagination, creativity, and a general warm hug of nostalgia both in terms of being a very '80s movie and also reminding us that sometimes horror doesn't have to be all po-faced and super-serious.

Is Killer Klowns from Outer Space a little goofy? Absolutely, but again, that's part of the appeal of this delightful picture.

Now, if only June could get here already, which brings with it the release of Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game...

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