10 Most Underrated Comedy Films Of The 90s

5. Airheads

The Cable Guy Jim Carrey 2
20th Century Fox

The cast really approaches all-star status when you look back on it in hindsight. Our main threesome includes Brendan Fraser on the cusp of becoming a leading man, Steve Buscemi post-Mr. Pink, and Adam Sandler before he became a world-famous man-child. Throw in fellow up-and-coming SNL player Chris Farley, Michael McKean, Judd Nelson, Ernie Hudson, and Michael Richards in his prime, and you've got yourself a tasty brew.

The story is a simple-yet-satisfying one: Three down-on-their-luck rock star wannabes hold up a radio station in exchange for some air time for their demo. All they want is to be heard, a rallying cry which fit in well with the explosion of the grunge scene.

Airheads gently pokes fun at some of the more curious remnants of the 80s hard rock scene, including the grammatical inaccuracies of their band name ("The Lone Rangers? How can you pluralize Lone Ranger?") and the endless debate of whether David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar was the better lead singer in Van Halen.

The movie plays out with a loose, relaxed cool, inserting some smaller cat-and-mouse games to keep the plot chugging along. It's a neat trick that ensures no situation gets too stale and the jokes are allowed to stem from the most ridiculous of places - like a hostage negotiation involving nude photos of Bea Arthur and a football helmet full of cottage cheese, on the grounds they could plead legal insanity once their inevitable court case arrives - without feeling forced.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.