10 Most Underrated Movies Of 2015

9. The Visit

We have to hate M. Night Shyamalan. That's the rule now - he's been so bad for so long that there's no way he can come back, right? So when The Visit turned up, many people immediately hated on it before the opening credits had rolled, unable to see that, actually, it was the director's best film in years, the first one that could unironically be called good in over a decade. It's certainly not a great film, with some odd creative choices (M. Night clearly doesn't understand the restrictions of the found footage genre) and an unclear line between which bits of the comedy are intentional and which are from accidental cheese, but in terms of entertainment value it's a surprise success. On the back of the overblown After Earth, this is a stripped back project, right down to the campfire-esque story, and this allows Shyamlan's personality as a director to shine through without any overly complex narratives getting in the way. Bigger than all that, though, is how Shyamalan actually in one moment does something pretty masterful - a jump scare that works, with not a post-shock titter in the audience. That competency alone makes this worth checking out. The gradual shift in the film's reputation in the months since release alone suggest this will become regarded as the fairly competent horror film it is, but for now it's still unappreciated.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.