10 Most Underrated Movies Of 2017 (So Far)

5. A Cure For Wellness

Transformers 5 Last Knight
20th Century Fox

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 42%

A Cure for Wellness, the latest movie from blockbuster maestro Gore Verbinksi (most famous for his Pirates of the Caribbean flicks), was met with middling to luke warm reviews when it was released earlier in the year. Which is a huge shame, considering that there is much to appreciate about this truly odd horror flick.

If you're a fan of Stephen King or Stanley Kubrick, then A Cure for Wellness is sure to be right up your street. It has the dreamy, intoxicating feel reminiscent of both men's best works, is beautifully shot, and is sure to dig its claws in until the very end with its frankly bizarre plot twists and imaginative set-pieces.

Few films nowadays can claim to be truly "creepy," but this one - set in a remote Alpine spa renowned for its healing where all the guests are acting very, very odd - manages it. The most impressive thing about A Cure for Wellness, perhaps, is that it even exists: few two and half hour horror flicks make it into theatres nowadays, whilst Verbinski's film feels lovingly crafted, a love letter to '70s horror.

There's a sense that A Cure for Wellness' reputation is only set to grow, presumably as those who have avoided it wake up its mesmeric powers. Because here's a movie that, despite its lengthy running time, really keeps a hold of you. Yes, some are bound to sigh at the late plot revelations, but really this is a picture that is all about the atmosphere: it's a bizarre fever dream of a film, not to be missed.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.