10 Most Underrated Psychological Horror Movies

7. Thoroughbreds 

Cam Netflix
Focus Features

The most reserved and darkly comic entry on this list, 2018's indie flop Thoroughbreds deserved a better showing at the box office.

But don't let this strange and unnerving film's underperformance put you off Thoroughbreds' unsettling delights.

The story of two brittle, emotionally damaged high school girls who hatch a plot to murder an abusive stepfather, this icy and slow-paced film begins as a fairly conventional crime thriller. The VVitch's Anya-Taylor Joy is a harsh delight as the prim, preppy Tracy Flick-esque overachiever who is saddled with Olivia Cooke's offbeat oddball, and for a second it seems like the satirical comedy will become Clueless meets Wild Things.

However the arrival of the late, great Anton Yelchin as a petty crook and small-time drug dealer heralds a darker turn for this tale, and the eventual tone is closer to Heathers crossed with Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho.

Gradually ramping up tension until its brutal closing scenes, Thoroughbreds is a painfully realistic and hopeless psychological horror which locates evil not in the decrepit and desolate outskirts of society, but rather right at the black heart of uber-rich suburban Americana. Maybe pair this one with a Valium.

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