10 Most Underrated Scenes In Star Wars

5. Boushh's Rescue

Ahsoka Shadow Warrior Purrgil

The opening of Return of the Jedi is undoubtedly the best part of the film, but with so many memorable moments and plot points from Empire being explored and tied up - Han's resurrection from carbonite, Luke's completion of his Jedi training, Lando's redemption, Boba Fett's removal from the bounty hunting game, Jabba's final comeuppance - it's easy to forget something. 

And one great moment less-mentioned is the introduction of 'Boushh', a bounty hunter that later turns out to be Leia in disguise. 

The design of the character for one is excellent, that chain smoker underwater-style voice and sinister thrown-together garb making up one formidable hitman, but the bravado of his entrance - threatening to blow everyone in Jabba's palace to smithereens - introduces some real menace to the film that will later be lacking. 

That it turns out Princess Leia has more balls than ever imagined in carrying out this plan is a great reveal, but the intrigue surrounding the mysterious Boushh is what makes Leia's big scene playing him so great.

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